Sometimes rewarding, always fun
Sometimes rewarding, always fun
Web Development

A continuous improvement development journey with Nathan

Authentication with React Hook and React Component

Auto-increment in MongoDB

Bake loading performance into authoring time - reading note of a Google block

Being Exposed to Webpack

Batch GraphQL requests

Build my first application with AWS Serverless infrastructure - API

Build my first application with AWS Serverless infrastructure - Client

Creating Web UI with Razor Pages

Cool thing on telnet

Cypress conditional testing

Debouncing event handling

Express: response resolved does not mean function terminated

Flaky React unit test

Gained my API and Microservices certificate at FCC

Fix flaky React unit test - 2

Front end polling back end for update

Generate PDF on front end with react-pdf

Group activities with underscore library

JavaScript Security learning note

Less and Cacro with Ant Design

MS learn note: Build a simple website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Material-UI framework

Jest query normalization

Mock time in Jest

Middleware functions

Migrate a payment flow modal from Angular to React

My Next.js Auth0 implementation

My React Chat Box

Non-break space in html

Putting the 404 Express middleware in the right place

React re-rendering, when and how?

React Refs to Components, and finding out methods available to the Component

Solving React State Hook setter not working

Summary of linting rules for testing library introduced

Test React Component at Different States

Test a React Component with Jest

The life of Impressume

Testing xhr in cypress

The this mystery - why fat arrow does not work for Angularjs controller

Transifex localization

What is ES6 proxy?

Webpack Tree Shaking

Why I gave up Ant Design

Elastic stack

Learn Elastic stack

AWS Well-Architectured Framework

Operational Excellence Pillar: WA framework

Component libraries

Why I gave up Ant Design