I had my taste of Ant Design and got rid of it from my project three weeks later. Here are some issues that I think would help keep me using it longser if improved:

API documentation not comprehensive enough

This is the key reason I decided ant design was not for me. For example, I was using the Antd Menu component and was trying to add handler for menu selection change. The documentation site goes (as of 7th Oct 2021):

- Called when a menu item is selected
- function({ item, key, keyPath, selectedKeys, domEvent })

Then I got warning that the item argument has been depracated when using it; I did not find example/documentation on what keyPath and selectedKeys look like and had to log these arguments myself to get a better understanding. By comparison, Material-ui provides much more extended examples and more detailed API docs.

Lack of customizability

There are multiple places that I find it, if not impossible, very hard to customize some components. One example that got me stuck was to change the behaviour of finished Steps.


I still prefer the look of material style up to now :)