“Happens Before”

Event a happens-before b, a->b, iff:

  • Internal event: a and b occur in the same node
  • Same message, a is send and b is receive
  • a->c, c-> b: transitive

Partial Order

happens-before relationships form a DAG (directed asynchronous graph)

Logical Time, Logical Clock

Logical Time

Logical time is a mapping C from events to a partially ordered set.


If a happens before b, then the logical time of a is smaller than the logical time of b.

## Logical Clock

### Must-have features:
1. Unique, one-to-one. You cannot let two nodes share the same logical clock
2. Determined by nodes themselves

### The Good feature
"Essentially" same executions will lead to same local times of nodes.

1. A good logical clock capture only the "essential" charasteristics of the execution.
2. Non-deterministic delays/labs will not lead to changes in logical time.

### The Ideal feature
```a->b <=> C(a) < C(b)
  1. The value of the logical time indicates the order of events.
  2. If two events do not have a happens-before relationship, then their logical time should not be comparable.
  3. If the clock maps to a totally ordered set, i.e. any two logical times are comparable to each other, then it is not ideal. This is because even if two events do not have a happens-before relationship, their logical time will still be comparable.

Assessing the Logical Time/Logical Clock in #A1

What is the logical time in this algorithm?


Given two message events (either receive or send) a and b,

a happens before b => a.time < b.time

Must-have features of a logical clock?

No. Unique, but not determined by node themselves.

The ideal feature of a logical clock?

No. The integer set is totally ordered.

Lamport Logic Clock

Implementation 1

  • Each node has its own logical clock, initial: clock = 0
  • Before each internal/send event, clock += 1
  • Each sent messages carries the sender‘s clock
  • After receiving a message, clock = max(clock, receivedClock) + 1
  • We have a “total order” logical time: a->b => Lamport(a) < Lamport(b)
  • We have one must-have feature - each node manages their own logical clock
  • We lost the other must-have feature: unique

Implementation 2

Ensure uniqueness by adding process IDs as the second field: lexicographic order (递归字典顺序)

Now we ensure uniqueness

Still, not ideal: (1,3) < (2,2), 根据lexicographic递归字典顺序,看到第一位1<2就可以得出结论了。 But (1,3) and (2,2) are concurrent. They should not be comparable.

Vertical Logical Clock

  • Each process keeps a vector (tuple) containing all known local logical times.
  • These tuples are ordered on each component, not lexicographically. (只是前面的一位比较不够,每一位都需要比较)
  • Each process increments its local logical time before local/send event.
  • At receive event:

Global Snapshot: Count Money

The snapshot will count in:

  1. The amount already in the node at time t
  2. The money already sent to the node, but are still in transit

Therefore to take the snapshot:

  • For each channel, keep adding all incoming money, until you get the first message sent after time t (marker message)

Non-FIFO work-around

Add sequence number for each channel
Ensure that you sum all messages sent before the “markers”