Diagnosis & Treatment

Diagnosis (Dx)

Recognizing a disease or condition by its outward presentation (signs and symptoms) and assessments (labs, X-Ray etc.)

Differential diagnosis

The process of weighing the probability of various other conditions accounting for a patient’s condition.

  • process of narrowing a list of all possible diagnoses that could explain what’s medically wrong with the patient using tests to exclude various diagnoses
  • The differential diagnosis of rhinitis (a runny nose) includes allergic rhinitis (hayfever), the abuse of nasal decongestants and, of course, the common cold.

Treatment (Tx): providing or prescribing a remedy based on a patient’s diagnosis (most of the time!)

The doctor doesn’t need to narrow the differential Dx to one option – just need to be precise enough to decide a course of action (e.g., a drug treatment, or just ‘watchful waiting’).

Care Planning

A Care Plan is an agreed set of actions and possibly goals.

  • In nursing, this can include recording systematic observations, administering medication, bandage changes, etc.
    – In chronic disease management, this can take the long view and action may be coordinated by the patient
    • E.g., annual foot examination in diabetes, or adhering to an exercise
      and/or diet regimen
    • May include targets for blood pressure, HbA1c, BMI, etc.